Something Special about 26th September .....

Waktu tengahari suasana kat opis tiba2 berubah...Biasa2nya diorg beli kek utk birthday celebration utk kawan2 yg sambut birthday kat opis nie, tapi kali nie...alaaaa terharu la pulak, siap ada lunch lagi. Being celebrated as well as feel being appreciated.. me and my colleague , Zainab Leza Kamaruddin. Apa2 pun, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the SUPRISED BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Dr. Deni, Maria n Siti (dlm gambar) Fiza, K Mai, Adah, Azlin, Zuha, Azira, Br Malek (AD sy), Prof Jalal, Dr Rosliza (Bos saya TERSAYANG yg nak naik Haji tahun nie, Flight 14hb Oct 2012, Selamat Pergi dan balik dan semoga beroleh HAJI YG MABRUR) Taufik, Br Sofian a.k.a penulis Alif Danial, azim, Mizi, Khai, Farah dn kwn2 yg lain....Terima kasih Daun Keladi hehehe

Now, lets the picture speaks the event..

Sedap mkn kek ...
CC Kak Mai sedang menikmati kek....
Something special about today..Lunch with a CAKE?


Butter Scotch Cake ...

Zainab Leza: Happy Birthday to you tooo...we share the same month.....SEPTEMBER!

With my Beloved Event Sponsor and Master Mind...Dinner with my beloved Family.
Two Cakes in a day....

Sian budak yg pakai baju kotak2 nie...Demammm.

I love eating....

He loves to eat too...Yg baju kotak tu demam...sian

Something nice, sweet, romantic and so touching....

Nak jugakkkkk.....huhuhu

Love it..!

We go Western that night..

This is my 'jagung' ...jgn kacau ya...:)

Don't tell me 'buy one free one' ya...

With the only Princess and the event Manager...

Dia kata dia jeles...dia kata dia nak jugakkk...hehehe

Muka terkezuttt....

At last...they won..they caught me with this supprise!

Thank you Dear.....


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