5-things-to-do before Ramadhan.

Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullah,

3. List your du’as
It was narrated in a hadith that the du’a of a fasting person will not be refused. Moreover, Ramadan is a month where ‘the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed’. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a ready-list of supplications that you want to recite at anytime during Ramadan.
Try taking a few minutes off your iftar time to recite your du’as, because the Prophet had said in a hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, ‘The supplications of three persons are not rejected: the supplication of a fasting person at the time of breaking fast, of a just ruler, and of a person who is wronged. Allah causes their supplications to rise above the clouds, and gates of heaven are opened for them, and Allah says, “By My Majesty, I will help you, even it be after a while.”’

(to be continued tomorrow inshaAllah)


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